Mens Haircut
Clipper or scissor cut to desire length
Clipper or scissor cut to desire length
Shampoo, cut, & style
Hand painted high/lowlights+toner+ cut
Shampoo & cut
Hair is left Dry and cut to desired length.
1 color all over
Front 3 quadrants of hair will be foiled and toned to desired color.
This service is for 1 color to be applied to new growth only to cover unwanted grays or to eliminate previous bands of color.
Refresh your color with a gloss to add a kick of shine and cancel out any unwanted tones.
Chemical treatment using Brazilian Blowout products to reduce frizz, cut down drying time, enhance shine & color, & to relax the hair making it more manageable for your day to day hair care routine for up to 4 months!
not including cost of hair
Application of tape in hair extensions. Hair not included in install price.